BANDA ACEH – The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Aceh record number of foreign tourists who came to Aceh in September 2014 as many as 2.928 people, an increase of 53.06% compared to the arrival in August 2014 and an increase of 134,8% compared to last year.
Based on data collected by the BPS, cumulatively, achieving the number of the entry of tourists from January to September 2014 increased by 94.26% against the same period in 2013.
BPS head of Aceh, Herman, Tuesday (4/10) said, tourists from Malaysia who travel to Aceh in September 2013 as many as 2,488 people, followed by Thailand (63), France (39), Germany (33), and Australia as many as 32 people.
On average, length of stay in five-star hotel in September Herman said almost the same as in August. The average foreign guests staying in hotels reached 5.31 days, while guests of the archipelago is only 2.13 days.
Head of Culture and Tourism of Aceh, Reza Fahlevi said, interesting events held by the government and private sector influence on the increase in the number of tourists who came to Aceh. “Aceh conditions is very conducive now. Foreign tourists make Aceh as a tourism destination for them,” said Reza Pahlavi. He cited, Malaysia attracted to Aceh because of religious tourism, remembrance together, Tausyiah held in mosques and places of historical ulemas, “he said.
According to Reza, the influence of interesting events in Aceh has been seen since 2011 when the event was held Visit Aceh, Banda Aceh Visit later events held by private parties. “Usually, foreign tourists ever come, will come back again with a group or community. Even they could come surging waves in Aceh, “said Reza.
In addition, said Reza, information via social media also influences for foreign tourists visiting Aceh. Evidence many communities as communities motorcycle, car or other they make Aceh as they adventure destination. Reza said, in December is the peak current tourist visit. “tourists visits this year is estimated to be higher, ahead of the 10th anniversary of the tsunami,” said Reza.
Commemorating 10 tsunami times, he said, will invite representatives of the countries that helped Aceh during the post-tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction. “Until now, has received confirmation from 12 countries who are willing to come to the 10th anniversary of the tsunami,” said Reza Pahlavi.