Amid the increasing popularity of halal tourism, Aceh has become one of Indonesia’s emerging tourist destinations.
In the 2016 World Halal Tourism Award, the province received two prominent awards, namely World’s Best Halal Cultural Destination and World’s Best Airport for Halal Travelers, which was given to Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport.
During a recent workshop in Aceh, Tourism Ministry deputy assistant for government and business market development Tazbir said that coordination and synchronization were key in planning the development of Aceh’s halal tourism. “This includes preparing halal-friendly hotels, restaurants, spas and shopping centers, as well as recommended halal tourism packages.”
Aceh Tourism Agency head Reza Pahlevi said that the administration planned to develop several areas in Aceh as emerging halal destinations, including Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Sabang and Lake Laut Tawar.
“This plan needs to be supported by qualified human resources; therefore we will also have tour guide and tour planner certification programs,” said Reza, adding that the agency would also provide tourism business certification and tourism courses at higher education institutions.