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Aceh welcomes more foreign

The number of foreign tourists visiting Aceh has increased almost 9 percent to 14,000 in the first half of the year, according to head of the regency’s Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Hermanto on Thursday.

In June, which included half of the holy month of Ramadhan, the number of foreigners visiting Aceh reached 2,048.

“More than 1,500 of them were from Malaysia,” said Hermanto as quoted by

Besides Malaysia, other visitors to the area were from China, the US, Europe, Australia and Africa.

Former head of Aceh’s Tourism and Culture Agency Reza Pahlevi said that the region wanted to attract more than 50,000 foreign tourists this year, which some figures suggest is roughly the number that it attracted last year.

Reza also revealed that Aceh aims to attract 1.8 million visitors in total, including domestic tourists, which represents a 30 percent increase from last year’s target. (kes)


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