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Lhok Guci Irrigation, New Energy Sources of the Western Aceh

Lhok Guci Irrigation /
Lhok Guci Irrigation /

PROGRAM Central Government and the Government of Aceh to make Aceh as one of the national food barn has been done a long time, by creating new fields, build irrigation dams, and reservoirs. One program to support national food self-sufficiency on the west coast of Aceh is building dams Lhok Guci Irrigation Area.

Irigas dam is in Pante Ceurumen and includes several other districts namely Kaway XVI, Bubon, Just Three, Johan Pahlawan, West Aceh district. The irrigation dam construction has been started since 2004.

Head of Department of Irrigation Aceh, Ir Syamsurizal, Tuesday (3/12) said that the implementation of the irrigation network construction of Lhok Guci is the national strategic projects in Aceh. Central Government would continue construction of irrigation networks Lhok Guci according to plan early that can flow 18 542 hectares of rice fields in five districts.

Added, the goal of the Central Government to build a dam Irrigation Lhok Guci is to support the national food self-sufficiency program, to develop advanced agricultural pattern with farming mechanisms, facilitate the transport of farmers to surrounding villages with irrigation facility inspection road on the trunk and secondary dikes, increase revenue and standard of living and expanding employment opportunities.

Added, the reason Aceh were subjected to national food self-sufficiency program, due to the construction of dams and irrigation potential at most. “If for the island of Sumatra, only Aceh its forest area still very broad, reaching 3.5 million hectares. Of that number, 638.500 hectares is the production forest, 1.8 million hectares of protected forest, and 1.06 million hectares of forest conservation.


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