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Qatar invests Million USD in Aceh

The Government of Qatar has invested US$100 million in the development of the tourism industry in Indonesia. Qatar Ambassador to Indonesia YM Ahmad Bin Jassim said Qatar made the statement at the handover event of 100 community economic empowerment projects at the Al-Mubarkiya Vocational High School of Kuwait Housing Complex, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, on Monday.

In addition, the Qatar Government has also agreed to work with the Indonesian Government on improving the economy of the community, Jassim said. “The 100 community economic empowerment projects are a contribution from the Qatari community to families who are orphaned and needy, in order to improve the economy of the community,” said the Qatar Ambassador to Indonesia.

Furthermore, Jassim stated the Government of Qatar and Aceh and Indonesia had established good relations between the countries. He admitted that his presence in the Aceh province was only to encourage the recipients of aid to be effective and continue to be able to help others.

“Hopefully, with the help of the Qatari people, Allah will give His blessings to local people who don’t forget to pray for the people of Qatar,” he hoped.

On that occasion, the Ambassador of Qatar to Indonesia handed over as many as 100 community economic empowerment projects, each of which received four units of pedicab, eight trading businesses, 12 mobile trading becak units, two furniture businesses, three household industries, three goats and 17 cows.

Then, two units of coconut milk squeezing machines, five units of rice grinding machines, six units of rice threshing machines, nine first units and 28 sewing machines were handed over.


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