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Trained of Aceh Tourism Development

INDONESIAN Advertising Agencies Association (PPPI) of Aceh in cooperation with the Association of Indonesian Tourism Performers (ASPPI) of Aceh and SME Center FE Unsyiah held Development Training Aceh tourist destinations in 2014 by presenting a national speaker Bahriansyah (DPP Chairman ASPPI) and Adnan Iskandar (DPP secretary GN).

Chairman ASPPI Aceh, Anas Zulham Almansour said this one day training was attended by participants from various areas of tourism. “We hope that with this training, business development of tourist destinations Aceh in the future will be better,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the PPPI Aceh, Hasbul Fayadi said to promote the tourism sector in Aceh, tourism stakeholders need to be improved competence. Hasbul mentioned, this training was followed by 90 tourism practitioners from various areas in Aceh.

This training conducted to improving the competence and training of human resource development of tourism destinations and tourism awareness. The theme of this training ‘through tourism marketing strategy training, we realize Aceh become a major tourist destination nationally and internationally’, says Hasbul Fayadi.


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