Malikussaleh University train young entrepreneurs to increase entrepreneurial knowledge through Digital Business training.
This training is part of the service activities carried out by the Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University which was held at the Wisma Kuta Karang, Lhokseumawe on Saturday, November 28, 2020.
Falahuddin, SE, MSM, head of the activity committee, said, “in the current pandemic, there are many new business actors appearing with creative business concepts, both in terms of products and marketing strategies, especially in Lhokseumawe. These business actors are young people who have creative enthusiasm and ideas.”
This training was attended by 25 young enterpreneur from Lhokseumawe and several from FEB Unimal students, who were interested in starting new businesses and also developing the businesses they had been doing.
In this activity, the committee also embraced an E-Commerce application named “UKM Connection”. is an online retail trading platform that aims to help local MSMEs who have started businesses and have products in marketing their products online, so they can reach more consumers.
The enthusiasm of the participants was also seen during the training. They are very interested in the design of an online sales application that was explained by Kusnandar Zainuddin, as the software developer.
Muhammad Riski, a young entrepreneur who is engaged in Fashion, is very interested in this application, because will have a delivery option using local courier services in cities and between cities in Aceh, which will certainly save costs and time in shipping.
Mulyani, a student of FEB Unimal, hopes that this e-commerce web will be available in the form of an android application so that it is even easier to access and get promotional and sales information.
“We hope that this training will motivate the younger generation to be more courageous in starting a business and have sufficient capacity. We will continue to do this service activity in the future both with a training pattern and also mentoring small and micro business actors, “said Fuadi, SE, MSM, a member of the implementation team.